"Pinto para os Tempos a imagem de hum Rey": Contributions to the study of José de Avelar Rebelo's painting
Painting, Casa de Bragança, laboratory tests, museologySynopsis
The Fundação da Casa de Bragança, continuing in its mission to disseminate its precious cultural and historical treasures,
now offers interested members of the public a new and easier way of publishing, in digital format, entitled “Pinto para os tempos a imagem de hum Rey”, contributions to the study of the painting by José de Avelar Rebelo, author of the Portrait of King João IV. Starting from a portrait of the restoring king, João IV, and the painter who painted it, José de Avelar Rebelo, Professor Susana Varela Flor traces the artist's career, with careful use of archival sources, which bring to light a wealth of unpublished information.
At the same time, and in the context of conservation and restoration, work was carried out to analyze the materiality of the portrait of King João IV, with the contribution of various scientists, such as Professors António Candeias and Sara Valadas, as well as Catarina Miguel, Mathilda Coutinho, Miriam Pressato, Silvia Bottura-Scardina and Ana Margarida Cardoso. This work involved a serious interdisciplinary effort by the Hércules Laboratory at the University of Évora, with the scientific coordination of Professors Susana Varela Flor, Sara Valadas and António Candeias, and by the team from the Casa de Bragança Library Museum, who deserve a mention of appreciation for their commitment and dedication.
Aware of the importance of sustained knowledge and the need to practice this interdisciplinarity, the Bragança House Foundation cultivates relationships with academic institutions and researchers from multiple areas and disciplines, especially with the Hercules Laboratory, facilitated by geographical proximity, the scope of the objects of study, the universality and excellence of the results and strengthened by the human bonds created and consolidated.
May this publication inspire new studies and research aimed at promoting knowledge, which is one of the cornerstones of the Foundation's work in fulfilling its mission to care for the Cultural Heritage of the House of Bragança.
of Bragança.
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