Arquivos de família, séc. XIII-XX: que presente, que futuro?
Archives, Family archivesSynopsis
"Archives are the result of human activity, and man, as a social actor, is their producer par excellence. Thus, archives reflect the various stages of individual and collective development, becoming testimonies, but also, at the same time, proof and evidence of the social roles played by individuals and organizations."
"Safeguarding, accessing and disseminating archival and photographic heritage is an essential task that all citizens must take responsibility for, making them great."
"Qualified initiatives, such as this book and the series of events, publications and research that, since 2009, have been carried out as part of the project on family archives within the Institute of Medieval Studies and the Centre for the History of Beyond the Sea of the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the New University of Lisbon, and of which the Directorate General for Archives has always been a collaborator, are the appropriate venue for the correct and effective pursuit of the stated objectives."