D. Álvaro da Costa e a sua descendência, sécs. XV-XVII: poder, arte e devoção
Álvaro da Costa, Biography, Offspring, FamilySynopsis
This collection brings together a set of studies on the Costa family, descendant of D. Álvaro da Costa, the dedicated chamberlain, chief shipowner and valet of D. Manuel, between the 15th and 17th centuries, around three axes considered structures of the family group, seen here as a character from History: Power, Art and Devotion. The research leading to the book, which started from a historiographical and heritage protection interest in family archives in the History of Portugal under the Old Regime, included researchers from various areas and training. The edition was coordinated by Maria de Lurdes Rosa, professor at the Department of History at FCSH/UNL and member of the Institute of Medieval Studies, with research in the area of Medieval History and archival science.
Editors: IEM - Instituto de Estudos Medievais, CHAM - Centro de História de Além-Mar and Editora Caminhos Romanos